THE OTHER RIPKEN: An Accidental Hero
THE OTHER RIPKEN: An Accidental Hero

The Other Ripken is a short but sweet documentary about Billy Ripken, a little-known baseball player who played for the Baltimore Orioles.

Nine Lives: The One Where Kevin Spacey Plays A Cat
NINE LIVES: The One Where Kevin Spacey Plays A Cat

At times brimming with invention and at other moments leaving you confused as to who this is for, Nine Lives doesn’t fully deliver.

BAD GIRL: A '90s Thriller With Modern Day Lenses
BAD GIRL: A ’90s Thriller With Modern Day Lenses

Though inspired by the erotic thrillers of the ’90s, Bad Girl ultimately fails to do anything original or exciting with its material.

QUARRIES: An 80 Minute Endurance Test For All The Wrong Reasons

It’s no fun to criticise an aspiring filmmaker’s low budget passion project- but when the result is as misguided as Quarries, it’s necessary.

AQUARIUS: Vulnerable & Righteously Angry
AQUARIUS: Vulnerable & Righteously Angry

Aquarius is a powerful character study about a woman fighting back against vulnerabilities, anchored by a fine performance from Sônia Braga.

SALT AND FIRE: An Enthralling Treatise On The Environment & Truth
SALT AND FIRE: An Enthralling Treatise On The Environment & Truth

Salt and Fire is an alluringly ambiguous environmental thriller by Werner Herzog, featuring purposefully stilted and brilliant performances.

AMERICAN FABLE: Almost Magical Enough To Achieve Its Ambitions
AMERICAN FABLE: Almost Magical Enough To Achieve Its Ambitions

American Fable doesn’t quite strike all the right chords, lacking just one spark that might have turned this movie into a lasting cult classic.

GOD KNOWS WHERE I AM: A Sad Tale, Told With Sensitivity
GOD KNOWS WHERE I AM: A Sad Tale, Told With Sensitivity

God Knows Where I Am lacks the necessary energy, yet successfully tackles the issues of freedom and the unnecessary loss of life.

MEAN DREAMS Exemplifies The Power of Good Storytelling & Bill Paxton
MEAN DREAMS Exemplifies The Power of Good Storytelling & Bill Paxton

For a story we’ve seen over and over, Mean Dreams, Bill Paxton’s last film, is compelling, refusing to take the usual narrative routes.

DON'T KILL IT: A Funny & Nostalgic Gore-Fest
DON’T KILL IT: A Funny & Nostalgic Gore-Fest

Don’t Kill It is a throwback to 1980s horror, in addition to updating some of the rather outdated tropes found in those types of films.

THE FREEDOM TO MARRY: Love Conquers Fear
THE FREEDOM TO MARRY: Love Conquers Fear

The Freedom to Marry is a compelling, expertly-made documentary about the landmark case that finally provided everyone the right to marriage.


Based on the real-life case, Johnny Frank Garrett’s Last Word is unfortunately a waste of its material, with many overused horror tropes.

AKRON: Plunky Guitar Strings Make Not Midwestern Living
AKRON: Plunky Guitar Strings Make Not Midwestern Living

Though with an unimaginative score, Akron effectively tells a story about two gay men who meet and fall in love in Midwestern America.

COLLIDE: Did They Even Try To Make It Good?
COLLIDE: Did They Even Try To Make It Good?

Collide is a film that has talent in front of the camera, but they’re wasted through strings of mindless action and laughably poor dialogue.

LONDON TOWN: A Coming Of Age Tale With A Punk Rock Savior

London Town is a fictional story about a boy in 1970s London meeting up with his music idol, Joe Strummer; it is a mostly entertaining romp.