
What is Film Analysis? Part 1: Narrative & Character

Film analysis, as far as I can tell, isn’t conducted any more in mainstream film criticism. That’s because these days anyone can write about film, and do. The film theorists and heavy-weight reviewers of the past have been overtaken by the age of the internet and by all the people ‘having a go’.

Star Wars villain
It’s Good To Be Bad: How A Villain Can Make Or Break A Film

With the recent blockbuster release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens I have heard nothing but praise for the new protagonists and how they (or the adorable BB-8 Droid) are the best thing to happen to the revamped series. Before I rant, let me say how much I loved the new heroes.

What’s Your Favorite Film Theme And Which Movie Did It Best?

Every month, the team of Film Inquiry is posed a question. This month, the question is “what is your favorite film theme, and which movie did it best?” You can read the answers of the individual team members who chose to participate below!

What Do You Prefer: Happy or Dark Endings?

Dark endings make movies so much more interesting, right? Or don’t they? What do you prefer? This is a discussion – feel free to participate!

How to Analyse Movies #6: Story & Genre - Star Wars Force Awakens
How to Analyse Movies #6: Story & Genre

In this installment of How To Analyze Movies we discuss our understanding of story and genre, and how to use it to analyze film!