border control

THE PRESENT: A Devastating Look At Life In Palestine
THE PRESENT: A Devastating Look At Life In Palestine

Farah Nabulsi’s short film, The Present, captures the dehumanising and frustrating experience of living under occupation.

AND BREATHE NORMALLY: An Intelligent, Low-key Drama
AND BREATHE NORMALLY: An Intelligent, Low-key Drama

A film that is extremely competently made, it’s easy to understand why And Breathe Normally was praised so highly at Sundance

SICARIO: A Veritable Magnum Opus

“Your American ears won’t understand, your eyes will see things that make no sense, but in the end you’ll understand,” DOD Operative Alejandro (Benico Del Toro) Brazen sunlight beats down on the terrain, voiding any visible shadows. Homes and domiciles of the Phoenix desert fill and occupy the frame, and the camera remains momentarily stationary. But then, in an instant, the machinery that captures and reproduces light stirs and begins to pan from right to left across the suburban community; as human beings, FBI agents in full riot gear with guns pointed, to be precise, enter into the picture.