
How Motion Capture Technology Is Changing Storytelling Expectations
How Motion Capture Technology Is Changing Storytelling Expectations

We take a look back at motion capture technology, including its beginnings, its present uses, and the recent rises in de-aging technology.

Away from the Hype: AVATAR
Away from the Hype: AVATAR

In the latest Away From the Hype installment, Sean takes a look at Avatar, James Cameron’s Oscar-winning motion capture landmark, and if it still holds up after almost 10 years.

motion capture smaug
An Overview Of The Rise Of Motion Capture Filmmaking

With technological developments taking hold in Hollywood, perhaps the most prominent has been the use of motion capture. Motion capture is a technology that syndicates computer-generated effects with human performance. The idea, particularly within the science fiction and fantasy genres, is to produce further realism on part of an actor’s approach to a role and how they portray it.