
GAGARINE: Home is Where The Space Station Is
GAGARINE: Home is Where The Space Station Is

Charming and sympathetic portrayals by Alséni Bathily and Lyna Khoudri make Gagarine feel warmly satisfying and make it a peculiar French indie.

Fantasia Film Festival 2020 A Mermaid in Paris
Fantasia Film Festival 2020: A Mermaid in Paris

All things considered, A Mermaid in Paris is simply a joyful exploration of being a believer, in whatever context you choose to sew that thought into.


Midnight in Paris uses time travel to 1920’s Paris to deal with themes of nostalgia and the fallacy of Golden Age thinking.

Staff Inquiry: Nous Aimons Paris

It’s been a week now since the world was shocked by a string of attacks throughout the city known world over as the civic symbol of love. Paris is many different things to many different people, and whether or not one has had the occasion to even visit, it is likely that they at least hold some associations with it, something representative of its ranking it among the world’s top tier metropolises. With Paris, as with most things, there is no better window into the place it holds in the hearts of those looking both from the outside as well as within as the frame of the movie screen.