
How To Watch A Film: Cinema & The Suspension Of Disbelief

The ‘Suspension Of Disbelief’ is an important factor in the consumption of art, any sort of art. Whenever we are presented with a vision of the fictional world our enjoyment of it rests on us deciding for one moment to accept it as realistic fact. For example, we all know a time-travelling DeLorean is frankly impossible, but if we were to spend the entire of Back To The Future considering how highly unlikely Marty’s adventure was, well, then we would not get swept into the story, and would certainly not enjoy ourselves as much.

How To Apply For Filmmaking Grants (And Why You Should Do It)

A lot of indie filmmakers talk about how they’re going to find investors to fund their next film. These mythical “angel investors” will supposedly swoop down with bags of cash and make all your filmmaking dreams come true. But the reality is that these investors generally don’t materialize.

How A Film’s Music Manipulates Our Emotions

Guardians of the Galaxy broke records this year when its soundtrack reached number one, making it the first soundtrack in history to reach number one with no new songs on the album. This got me thinking about great soundtracks and the use of popular music versus composition. There’s a time and a place for both, and sometimes a time for none.

How To Use A 30 Day Free Streaming Trial Correctly

For the next 30 days, Amazon own my soul. This isn’t the first time – in fact, whenever I subscribe to a new movie streaming service, I have a habit of trying to watch everything I want in that 30 day window so I cancel before I start having to pay. There are plenty of good reasons to stay subscribed to a website (and I’m not saying you shouldn’t), and there are a plethora of good streaming services available, but if you’re on a tight budget taking advantage of a free trial is the only option.