Thomas Middleditch

SILICON VALLEY Season 6: A Bittersweet Ending That Encapsulates The Show's Core Theme
SILICON VALLEY Season 6: A Bittersweet Ending That Encapsulates The Show’s Core Theme

Silicon Valley’s season 6 got the perfect ending, cementing it as one of the most impactful and highly relevant shows about the technological world.

Interview With Jason James, Director Of ENTANGLEMENT

We spoke with Jason James, director of the upcoming comedy-drama Entanglement, which will be released on February 9th.

ENTANGLEMENT: A Wholly Original, Expectation-Subverting Gem
ENTANGLEMENT: A Wholly Original, Expectation-Subverting Gem

With a story full of surprising twists and turns, a canvas of dazzling onscreen visuals, and a career-best performance from Middleditch, Entanglement succeeds on several tiers.

ONCE UPON A TIME IN VENICE: Tonally Contrasted And Tiredly Contrived
ONCE UPON A TIME IN VENICE: Tonally Contrasted & Tiredly Contrived

Once Upon A Time In Venice is clearly a film made by cinephiles, but the scattered subplots and underdeveloped characters combine for an overall misfire.

CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS: Low-Brow Humour, High-Level Heart
CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS: Low-Brow Humour, High-Level Heart

Although unashamedly made for the youngest audiences possible, Captain Underpants is infectiously charming to all ages.